We are prepared to provide modern, innovative dental treatments that will give your smile a naturally beautiful look and long-lasting health for the teeth.
Consultatie si plan de tratament |
50 Lei |
Igienizare si profilaxie dentara
Detartraj + Periaj profesional |
150 Lei |
Periaj profesional |
50 Lei |
Air Flow - Ambele arcade |
100 Lei |
Fluorizare / arcada |
50 Lei |

Professional dental scaling and cleaning
Ultrasonic dental scaling – this is a noninvasive dental procedure which aims at completely removing the scale and the bacterial deposits off the teeth and from underneath the gums.
Dental cleaning is required in order to polish the tooth surface and it is an addition to the dental hygiene.
We recommend that you have this procedure done twice a year, since it keeps the teeth clean and prevents dental cavities.
Pansament calmant / devitalizare |
70 Lei |
Drenaj endodontic |
80 Lei |
Pulpectomie monoradiculari |
100 Lei |
Obturatie canal monoradiculari |
50 Lei |
Pulpectomie pluriradiculari |
130 Lei |
Obturatie canal pluriradiculari |
70 Lei |
Dezobturare in caz de tratament endodontic |
60 Lei |
Tratament gangrena monoradiculari |
100 Lei |
Tratament gangrena pluriradiculari |
150 Lei |
Chirurgie - Extractii dentare
Extractie monoradiculari |
100 Lei |
Extractie pluriradiculari |
150 Lei |
Extractie laborioasa |
200 Lei |
Extracție dinti temporari |
50 Lei |
Extractie dinti mobili |
70 Lei |
Tratament alveolita |
70 Lei |
Tratament pericoronarita |
70 Lei |
Scos fire sutura |
50 Lei |

Teeth whitening
This is the most popular and most used dental esthetics procedure intended to restore the natural colour of the teeth.
The teeth whitening procedure performed by the dentist is the most efficient option and it may last up to 2-3 years depending on each patient’s life style
Estetica dentara
Albire profesionala / arcada |
300 Lei |
Albire interna - la dinti devitali |
200 Lei |
Aplicare bijuterii dentare |
80 Lei |
Obturatie compozit 1 suprafata |
120 Lei |
Obturatie compozit 2 suprafețe |
150 Lei |
Obturatie compozit 3 suprafețe |
170 Lei |
Obturatie compozit armata cu pivot |
200 Lei |
Sigilare santuri si fosete / dinte |
50 Lei |
Coafaj direct |
80 Lei |
Coafaj indirect |
80 Lei |

Prosthetics procedures
Dental crowns: they are used in order to fully cap or encircle a destroyed tooth but they also play a very important esthetic role. The dental crowns definitely improve the physiognomy by the replacement of the missing teeth and they rebalance the dental occlusion. /p>
Dental veneers: these are wafer- thin, highly resistant and enduring ceramic shells designed to cover the natural surface of the teeth and their role is highly esthetic.
Dental prosthetics: a dental prosthesis is the fastest solution to getting a functional smile at low costs.
Coroana ceramica pe suport zirconiu |
700 Lei |
Coroana integral ceramica |
600 Lei |
Coroana metalo - ceramica cu prag ceramic |
500 Lei |
Coroana metalo-ceramica |
400 Lei |
Cupa metalo - ceramica |
320 Lei |
Coroana metalo - acrilica |
200 Lei |
Coroana metalica |
150 Lei |
Coroana acrilica - provizorie |
70 Lei |
Coroana acrilica - definitiva |
100 Lei |
Fatete ceramice |
900 Lei |
Proteză totala acrilica |
800 Lei |
Proteza partiala acrilica |
800 Lei |
Proteza valpast |
1,400 Lei |
Proteza pe capse |
1,000 Lei |
Proteza scheletata |
1,800 Lei |
Proteza scheletata cu chit compozit |
2,000 Lei |
Proteza kemeny |
250 Lei |
Rebazare proteza |
150 Lei |
Reparație proteza / inlocuire croset sau dinte |
100 Lei |
Ablatie lucrari / coroana |
30 Lei |
Dispozitiv corono-radicular |
150 Lei |
Gutiera bruxism |
150 Lei |
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The smile has the power to change lives!
GAVIDENT - Dentist in Oradea City